Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gerald's asthma review

Brought Gerald for his 4 monthly Asthma Review at KKH today. They have definitely improved their workflow. The wait was not long (unlike all other previous reviews) The appointment time was 3.10pm. By 3.50pm, we were done with the review. I can also use my medisave to pay for his 4 months of medication with normally comes up to $200+ each time. By 4.45pm, I'm out of the the hospital. In the past, we'd still be waiting to see the doctor. WELL DONE!!! KKH.

Gerald was well behaved. He was unusually quiet at the doctor's today. Finally he asked the question... "Daddy... I behave???" But when he didn't get a sweet from the doctor (usually the doctor has a whole container of sweets on her desk), he was pretty disappointed. Nevermind, I rewarded him with one tic tac in the car.

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